We’ve heard this before: “New Year, new me.” It usually comes with plans for greater nutrition, new gym memberships, or finding (or returning to) hobbies to round us out and make us better than we were last year.
So why not take a look at your career?
Granted, things are still a little dicey with the COVID-19 pandemic (which is still ongoing). We’re also reaching a point where being a working professional isn’t as easy as it used to be. Mom-and-pop stores and restaurants (including some franchises) are struggling to stay open, with a number of them closing at an alarming rate. Major corporations are dealing with stalling supply chains and other effects of the “Great Resignation”, where people are quitting in droves for a variety of reasons. This has led to labor shortages for a lot of businesses.
But there is a silver lining to this storm. A new year can be a great time for a lot of people to really sit down and think about what it is they want to do with their life. Yes, the market is unpredictable and a choice could lead to picking a company that may be closing its doors in a few months…but with the constant need for jobs from (pretty much) everyone, now is the time to take chances and try things that may have seemed interesting or intimidating before. Worst case scenario? You try again with one of the other hundreds of companies looking for employees until something sticks.
Here’s a quick and easy list of things job seekers can do:
Ultimately, you will need to take a deep assessment of what is important to you and how you can find a job that not only supports you, but your values. Hybrid workplaces can provide a greater work-life balance for people wanting that. Many companies have internal programs that encourage employees to participate in volunteer organizations for those wanting to give back while at work. Others place importance on corporate culture and seek to encourage deeper relationships with their employees with pub nights and corporate retreats.
Really, the only thing to do now is to figure out the kind of company you want to keep (working at).