
HP Amplify Impact Program Takes Off

Written by Deborah Hawkins | Feb 11, 2021 4:22:28 PM


May 2021 Update

HP recently announced an extension to the HP Amplify channel program to incorporate an ecosystem of more than 1,350 online, omnichannel, and brick-and-mortar retail partners. This move was alluded to when Amplify was launched in November 2020 (see our previous blog on the HP Amplify Partner Program).


The two distinct tracks are called Synergy and Power, while a Power CDR track is targeted at retail sub-distributors. Retailers can begin to take advantage of these later in August 2021. The rising incidence of work in the home has clearly led to new levels of retail purchasing, and the data collaboration behind the Amplify program will benefit all players moving forwards.


February 2021 Original

Today, HP launched the Impact extension of its Amplify Partner Program that is aimed to drive change in the IT industry. Amplify Impact is voluntary for all HP Inc. resellers that have signed up for the Amplify program. The crux of Impact is (as the name suggests) impact on the planet, people, and communities. It is HP’s next step in making users and providers become more sustainable.


HP already has a strong history of sustainability built around their manufacturing methods and closed loop product portfolio. This has been expanded recently to comprise more accountability around social inequalities. The market is also crying out for vendors to fulfill commitments and HP claims to be bringing in a hell of a lot of new business through sustainable efforts.


The clever thing about the Impact program is that HP is engaging its partner or reseller community in making an impact further down the line. HP has been exemplary in changing how they do business on the inside. Instant ink springs to mind as the first closed loop, print-as-a-service package that more than 8 million consumers currently use. But that is not sufficient if the end user is not willing or motivated to take part and the channel partner is a key link in bringing home the sustainable components to the business community. As the closest person to the end user, the partner will be encouraged to assist them in changing habits such as recycling and repairing.


 In addition to the recognition above, HP won the BLI 2019-2020 PaceSetter Award in Sustainability:
 from Keypoint Intelligence (Source: HP).


For the channel partner that can stand up and say “Hey, I make an impact,” that is a bonus that will likely stand out way higher than a “I’m a platinum partner.” The sustainable component has become so much stronger in the purchasing criteria for those becoming dependent on IT at home and at work. The assumption is that Millennials care more about the environment and are likely to makes choices based on that. This particular time is also very unique as one where the highest number of end consumers can personally choose the device and or vendor for personal and work use due to the pandemic.


There are four areas of the Impact pledge—commit, assess, act, and learn—for which HP provides training, sales tools, and marketing/social media assets. There are also three tiers of Impact ranging from Basic to Catalyst and Changemaker; partners can also work their way up through this program. Impact will be launched initially in 25 countries and is expected to expand to worldwide coverage by the end of 2021.


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