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Managed IT Services (MITS), where organizations contract with an outside provider to take over at least a portion of their IT needs, have become a key offering for office equipment dealers looking to diversify beyond print. What IT functions are purchasers looking to outsource to a partner provider? That’s what we set out to discover in our 2023 IT Decision Maker Primary Research study.
The survey aimed to ascertain the business-buying plans of SMBs (that is, those with 50 to 499 employees) for key IT products and services. The 300 US-based respondents hailed from a range of industries. To qualify for the study, respondents had to be decisionmakers who influence purchase decisions related to business process/workflow solutions, print/scan infrastructure, or MITS.
Our complete presentation focuses on the survey results related to MITS needs and purchase plans. Other presentations drill into the survey results relating to digital transformation (DX) adoption and initiatives, print infrastructure usage and purchase plans, as well as scanning infrastructure and usage. An Excel table of all results is also available, and a companion study of 200 IT decisionmakers representing Western Europe is also being published for Office CompleteView subscribers in that region.
Infographic designed by Mark DiMattei, Managing Editor at Keypoint Intelligence. |
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