
Take the 15 Page a Day Challenge!

Written by Eve Padula | Oct 2, 2017 4:22:28 PM

The proliferation of social media makes it possible for consumers and businesses to spread the word about events, causes, and pretty much anything faster than ever before. Over the past few years, we’ve seen quite a few social media challenges. Back In 2014, the Ice Bucket Challenge increased awareness about ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) while also raising $109 million for the charity. During 2016, the Mannequin Challenge became a social media sensation. Not to be outdone, the Paper and Packaging Board issued its own How Life Unfolds challenge of its own over the summer. This 15 Pages a Day Challenge is a paper-based reading program that’s great for people of all ages and literacy levels.


According to Joan Sahlgren, Senior Director of Public Relations for the Paper and Packaging Board, “The springboard for the idea was the release of our third annual Back-to-School Report this July, which really highlights the importance of print in the learning process.” The Paper and Packaging Board report includes a survey of more than 1,400 individuals aged 13 – 60 across the United States. All of these respondents were either in school (grades 7 – 12 or college) or the parent of a child in grades K-12.

The Statistics Tell the Story!

The third annual Back-to-School report included a number of critical findings about the important role that print still plays in our digital world. Parents understand the important role that paper plays in learning and retention. Specifically, 96% of parents think that paper plays an essential part in their child’s ability to achieve educational goals. Furthermore, 81% of the parents that read to their kids daily are using paper-based books.

Even though today’s junior high, high school, and college students are fully entrenched in digital technology, the results from the Paper and Packaging Board indicate that they still prefer paper when it comes to learning. For example, 70% of junior high and high school students prepare for tests by taking handwritten notes, and 60% make flash cards for use as study aids. Meanwhile, 50% of college students believe that the best way to learn new information is to write it down by hand. Additionally, 93% agree that paper is an essential part of their ability to achieve educational goals.

According to Dr. Naomi Baron, Professor of Linguistics at American University in Washington D.C., printed media enhances learning and retention. Electronic media is more distracting, and many students report an inability to stay focused when completing homework on computers or tablets. Baron elaborates, “Students tell us that they remember more when reading in print. Some also report spending more time when reading print and reading more carefully than they do with digital texts.”

Let’s All Take the Challenge!

One of the best things about the 15 Pages a Day Challenge is that it doesn’t take up a whole lot of your time—even the busiest person in the world can carve out time to read a mere 15 pages. Regular reading provides a number of benefits, including improved memory, better language skills, and increased mental development. People can participate in the 15 Pages a Day Challenge in a number of ways. Here are just a few:

  • Parents can take the challenge by pledging to read 15 pages a day with their children.
  • Students can participate by pledging to read 15 pages for enjoyment… in addition to what they must read for school!
  • Business executives can take the pledge by printing out an e-mail for ease-of-reference/note taking.

As a mom, children’s literacy is near and dear to my heart, so I took the challenge to read to my child. I read to my daughter on a daily basis, and I’m among the 81% of parents who use paper-based books to read to their kids. Sure, I have a tablet, but I never use it to read to my daughter. In my experience, there’s just something about sharing a physical book and talking about it with a child.

In addition to pledging to read to my daughter, I’ve also started reading paper books for my own enjoyment before bed—and I’m already seeing the benefits. When I “unplug” at night and settle down with a book instead of ending my day with screen time or housework, I find that I sleep better. But don’t take my word… try it for yourself! Visit to take your own challenge.