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Production Workflow

Our research and analysis provide our clients with insights and advice for product planning and for sales enablement of their existing production workflow software and service offerings.



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Information. Insight. Advice.


Primary Research

We conduct annual PSP investment surveys, focused-topic primary research and analysis, and sponsored multi-client studies. In 2023, our practice is investigating in-plant trends, production analytic tools, Artificial Intelligence in print, and large format software trends. In addition, we provide major event coverage and quarterly software launch and release reporting to help clients remain on top of this evolving market.


Our five-year forecasts focus on software and digital front ends (DFEs) in the digital printing, transactional printing, offset, wide-format and textiles, and labels and packaging markets. Breakouts focus on the North American and European markets as separate forecasts that also include data provided for the rest of world as part of delivered forecast packages for the four production workflow solution categories listed below.

Analyst Access

Our experienced staff of workflow experts can provide market inquiries, trends discussions, and strategy reviews. Consider booking workshop or consulting days to deep dive into specific product and market topics to develop informed and actionable strategies based on our knowledge, experience, and insights.
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Personalized Assessments

Assessing software solutions against market requirements and competitive offerings before launch or even during development can improve market positioning and sales while minimizing costly mistakes for vendors. Analyzing PSP and in-plant workflows against best practices can help identify and prioritize their software investment, integration, and training needs from an unbiased perspective.

Recent Reports

  • Print Production Workflow

    This latest forecast includes the status of various production markets including production software, transactional printing, and offset. 



  • Supply Chain Concerns
    In this analysis, the responses from print service providers are analyzed based on a focused e-mail survey regarding the supply chain issues they faced during the pandemic.
  • 2022 Vendor Financial

    Covered in this review are the results from vendors that do and do not report imaging and print-specific finances.



Educational Resources


Zaikio’s Platform Is a New Way to Integrate Production Solutions

Greg speaks with Karl Ciz, Head of Partnerships at Zaikio, about how Zaikio is creating a new way to integrate productivity solutions to deliver up-to-the-second data between suppliers, vendors, web-to-print, and print management information systems.

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Top 3 Ways to Manage Increased Turnaround Demands

With wide-format printing involving a great deal of customization, personalization, and design efforts, the ever-increasing demand for immediate delivery is creating some unique challenges for PSPs. We discuss here the top three methods of managing turnaround expectations from print buyers.

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