
INFOGRAPHIC: Effective Sales Development

Written by Lindsey Naples | May 17, 2024 12:00:00 AM


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In today’s ever-evolving, high-paced market, mastering a broad understanding of effective sales development is essential for any business looking to thrive. To help you understand the key strategies and techniques necessary to boost your sales performance, looking to common practices of high-preforming businesses is a great place to start.

Drawing from our research, we have compiled an infographic highlighting those key statistics and practices. Some include a collaborative and valuable teamwork approach (97% of high preforming sales teams foster this tactic), standardizing sales processes (businesses with this see a 28% rise in revenue vs. those that do not), or finding simple yet effective ways to boost output efficiency (sales reps tend to spend 77% of their time on other activities).


Whether you're a long-time professional or just starting out, these insights can help anyone along the sales road to drive results and achieve targets more efficiently. The avenues toward better sales are there to discover and the statistics speak for themselves. Take a look!


Infographic created by Mark DiMattei


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