
Production Vendors Keep Carbon Net Zero Targets Firmly in Sight

Written by German Sacristan, Priya Gohil | May 21, 2024 12:00:00 AM


Check out Keypoint Intelligence’s Sustainability page!


Sustainability is the zeitgeist of our era, peppering discussions not just within the print industry but across global dialogues. It’s vital for improving our collective quality of life and the health of our ecosystems. While the ideals of sustainability—embodied in company mission and vision statements—have been around for years, there’s now a palpable urgency to turn these words and plans into meaningful actions. Print industry vendors are now under increased pressure to fast-track their environmental strategies to meet the planet and market rising demands to prioritize eco-friendliness alongside quality, service, and price as a key buying criterion.



Recognizing Green Commitments

At Keypoint Intelligence, we’re dedicated to fostering a sustainable future through our research, reports, and recognitions. Our Market Insights study into this topic consisted of carefully selected criteria to reflect the multifaceted nature of production print sustainability, including:

  • Company Vision: Understanding every vendor’s zero CO2 targets and the progress they are making towards achieving their goals
  • Product & Recyclability: Emphasis on printing equipment, parts and supplies manufacturing energy sources, recyclability, and packaging, as well as upgradability which is very important for reducing waste and lowering CO2 emissions through diminished need for new manufacturing and less frequent transportation
  • Market Awareness: Resource and budget allocation, alongside staff training initiatives, to drive sustainability through the heart of all operations and, importantly, help customers achieve a greener footprint


The response from participating vendors was encouraging across all topics. Education plays a crucial role in any approach, as understanding why sustainability matters and how each of us can contribute is crucial to the global effort to mitigate environmental impact—it was addressed by all entries, too.


In conjunction with the Market Insights study is our second Buyers Lab (BLI) Pacesetter in Production Print Sustainability, spanning 2024-2025. This accolade highlights vendors manufacturing production digital printing equipment mainly for commercial and even publishing applications, with a keen focus on their future plans but also on current initiatives and their tangible outcomes. The competition was close, we have to admit, because each vendor has a corporate perspective that takes environmental impact seriously and each showed strengths in certain areas. What’s more, it’s clear that they’re intensifying their efforts to enhance and be clear on their environmental impact positioning, sustainability strategies, and actions.


You don’t have to wait long to find out which company has earned this unique distinction, either. Stay tuned to our LinkedIn on Tuesday, May 28 (first day of drupa)—the winner will be revealed!


Browse through our Industry Reports Page (latest reports only). Log in to the InfoCenter to view research, reports, and studies on production print and sustainability through our On Demand Printing & Publishing Advisory Service, in which our Market Insights on this topic will soon be published. If you’re not a subscriber, contact us for more info by clicking here.