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sales lady again

How can bliQ help you?

Thousands of sales, marketing and product development professionals in the document imaging industry are seeing results using bliQ. Our customers include OEMs, dealerships, leasing companies, independent software vendors and buyers.
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Spend less time searching, more time selling

bliQ is the most comprehensive source of independent research and data in the industry. With a database of over 65,000 document imaging products and intuitive tools, bliQ helps you understand your products and the competition, while automating time-consuming daily workflows.

Research Products

Compare up to 25 products' specs and test results side-by-side. Customize your view using visual time-saving automation tools.

Browse and Search
Side-by-side Product comparison
Product Wizard
Product Timeline
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Recommend a Product

Engage buyers with relevant information built on their unique criteria.

Config iQ / CPQ
TCO / Fleet Calculator
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Propose a Product

Create on-demand marketing materials to share with your customers in under five minutes using content based on Keypoint Intelligence's lab testing.

Create a Brochure
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View and Access Information

Stay productive in the cloud and maximize efficiency.

Mobile APP App for Apple & Android
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Save & Share
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A Universe of Possibilities
Selling software just got easier
The web-based bliQ platform is much more than just a database. It’s a powerful set of sales-enablement tools guaranteed to increase productivity inside or outside of the office.
Less Time Researching
Our database of reports, briefs, manufacturer literature, screenshots and news combined with our simplified search gives you everything you’re looking for, all in one place.
Outsmart Your Competition
Compare pricing, key features, and ratings across similar products using our competitive side-by-side tool. Quickly get sales teams up to speed on software selling.
Earn Credibility
A Buyers Lab award or seal of approval shows customers that your product passed the test – from a third-party perspective.
Build a Team of Knowledgeable Salespeople
Simplify on-boarding and minimize inefficiencies caused by turnover as well as share best practices among teams.
Grow Your Portfolio
Use our reports as guidelines and find highly rated solutions to add to your portfolio of solutions offerings.