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Carrie Sylvester

2018 Camera Wrap-up

Jan 9, 2019 11:22:28 AM

As 2019 begins, Keypoint Intelligence wanted to take a moment and reflect on what cameras were introduced in 2018.

For the last several years, the number of camera models introduced in the US market had been dropping. However this year, there were 36 new camera models introduced, 3 more than last year. In 2016, the US market saw 57 new models introduced, 72 in 2015, and 98 models in 2014. (Source: Keypoint Intelligence – InfoTrends US Camera Model Tracker**)

We have broken out the 2018 camera introductions by popular features and functions, including connectivity, type of camera, and resolution.

100% Connected

Keypoint Intelligence – InfoTrends has been saying for years that connectivity is the key to convenient photo sharing and is the best way traditional cameras can compete with the always connected mobile phone. In the camera wrap-up blog last year, we predicted 100% of cameras would be connected, and this year that came true. All 36 models feature either built-in WiFi or Bluetooth connectivity.

Mirrorless & Point &Shoot cameras Neck and Neck

In 2017, mirrorless interchangeable lens cameras (MILC) displaced point and shoot (P&S) cameras as the number one camera type introduced, with 13 models versus 12 models, respectively. In 2018, P&S cameras climbed back into contention with 17 new models compared to 16 new MILC models.

Although Sony, Fujifilm, Olympus and Panasonic have had the mirrorless space to themselves for the most part because Canon and Nikon hadn’t introduced a new MILC for quite some time, this year the two companies, made a big splash in the 2018 mirrorless camera market. It will be interesting to see if the re emergence of Canon and Nikon will have a significant impact on mirrorless camera sales.

Mirrorless cameras offer lens interchangeability, advanced features and functions typically in a smaller and lighter camera body than DSLRs. The size and weight of MILCs is likely to appeal to photographers that want to step up from a P&S or smartphone.

Fujifilm introduced the most MILCs, with 5 new models (GFX 50R, X-A5, X-H1, X-T100 and X-T3). Panasonic introduced 3 models with the Lumix DC-GF10, DC-GH5S and DC-GX9, and those models all feature Micro Four-Thirds sensors. Leica, Olympus, and Sony also introduced one MILC each.

Megapixels Continue to Climb

Although the megapixel war was thought to be technically over, resolution specs are still climbing. High resolution dominated the camera scene in 2018 with 75% of new cameras featuring 20+ MP. The resolution category topped out at 51 MP (Fujifilm GFX 50R) and the lowest was 10 MP (Panasonic Lumix DC-GH5S).

InfoTrends Opinion

Although the smartphone has become the go-to camera for most consumers and majority of photo taking situations, there remain pockets of opportunity that exist for traditional cameras. Whether it’s a budding photographer that wants to step up from a smartphone or P&S or a seasoned photographer interested in advancing their photography skills, 2018 was full of cameras to wet just about everyone’s photographic appetite.

To learn more about the latest Keypoint Intelligence – InfoTrends digital camera coverage and insights, contact one of our sales team with questions.

** The vendors/models that are covered in the 2018 Quarterly Model Tracker include Canon, Fujifilm, Leica, Nikon, Olympus, Panasonic, Pentax, Ricoh, and Sony and only cameras that were introduced up to 12/10/18.