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Lee Davis

Enable Your Hybrid Workforce with MyQ’s Digital Workplace Technology

One solution to lower costs, increase productivity, and optimize business processes

Oct 6, 2021 12:22:28 PM


Be sure to check out the MyQ Roger e-book!


It’s a shame that it took a pandemic to convince businesses that digital workplace technology like MyQ Roger was the way. But now that companies have had a taste of the benefits that come with the digital office, they aren’t interested in going back. In Keypoint Intelligence’s 2020 IT Decision Maker Survey, respondents will continue to allow remote/mobile working and increase their investments in digitization, automation, and new IT infrastructure, even after the pandemic has subsided. In fact, many are accelerating their digital transformation journey.



What is MyQ Roger?

MyQ Roger is a cloud-native digital workplace solution that automates document workflows and proliferates access to pertinent data to workers in the office, at home, and everywhere in between. The solution integrates with popular cloud services and enables users to print from/scan to specific folders in connected repositories. Workers can also use a smartphone or a tablet to scan and share documents so they can be productive no matter where they are.


MyQ Roger provides users with their very own virtual, personal assistant, too. The native MyQ Roger mobile app makes it possible to configure individual print and scan workflows on supported MFPs using one’s smartphone or tablet. Voice commands are supported for a completely touch-free experience. They can also create and save job profiles to accelerate and standardize frequently recurring tasks, which means they can kick off entirely automated workflows in an instant.


A cloud-hosted software-as-a-service (SaaS), MyQ Roger is affordable, scalable, and easy to manage. Businesses don’t need to deploy and maintain additional IT infrastructure or purchase MyQ Roger outright. For only $9 per device/month, customers only make a small monthly payment for what they use. They can always add or remove licenses as their needs change, allowing for the flexibility of not overpaying for capacity that would go unused.


Cultivate a Thriving WFH Environment with MyQ

Perhaps the biggest benefit that comes with digital office technology adoption is the ability to enable remote work. With on-demand access to vital documents and business applications, workers can be productive no matter where they are. According to Keypoint Intelligence’s 2020 Future of Office Survey, 45% of workers said they were more productive when working from home.


Based on our research at Keypoint Intelligence, I think it’s safe to say that the hybrid workforce is here to stay. Management and labor seem to be on the same side of things. According to the same survey, 57% of workers plan on splitting time between home and the office. And in the 2020 US IT Decision Maker Survey, 78% predicted the same.



Accommodating more remote workers comes with its own set of challenges, though. Again, from the 2020 IT Decision Maker Survey, respondents listed home-based devices accessing the corporate network, sensitive information leaving the corporate firewall, and vulnerable VPN technology as increased security risks. But with MyQ Roger, users’ devices aren’t connecting to your corporate network, files aren’t leaving your corporate firewall, and VPN technologies aren’t required. Files with information are shared only between the user’s cloud drive(s), mobile and/or printing device. Access tokens and metadata about these files are exchanged with the company's tenant in MyQ Roger.


IT decision makers also reported having trouble with connecting employees to vital business applications and supporting business processes that require printing and scanning. Here too, MyQ Roger can help. For example, you can point scan workflows configured in MyQ Roger at folders that are monitored by other business applications or workflow automation solutions, extending business process automation to the point of capture (wherever that may occur).


With MyQ Roger dovetailing your MFP and smartphone/tablet to the cloud repositories and business applications that drive your business, employees can quickly and easily handle business processes where paper intersects with the digital realm.


Want to transform your business with MyQ digital workplace technology? Learn more through the MyQ Roger e-book!