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Rob Watts

How MPS-Friendly is Your Potential Client's Fleet? Find out with MPSCertified

Jun 1, 2015 12:22:28 PM
But Print Audit may have the answer. The company recently announced its new MPSCertified program, an online service aimed at informing both MPS providers and device OEMs how well printers and MFPs fit into an MPS environment.

Using a 1 to 5 scale, Print Audit rates each product on its ability to report consumables levels in granular increments. At the bottom of that range is 1 point for devices that only support vague notifications such "TONER FULL” or “TONER LOW” and hence are not suitable for most MPS implementations. Products that report toner levels in three broad percentage bands (0%, 50%, 100%) earn a 2 on the MPSCertified scale, while those that report in 20% increments earn a 3 rating. Higher-ranking machines support much more granular consumables reporting, with a rating of 4 points given to machines that report in  increments approaching 10%  , and the maximum of 5 points awarded to devices that report in increments less than or equal to 10%. 
Devices that receive 4 or 5 points will be deemed “MPS Certified” and the OEMs will earn the right to put the certification logo in their promotional materials as well as on the devices themselves. The award serves as both a way of recognizing OEMs that rise above the competition as well as informing providers and consumers which devices which products offer exceptional toner level management. 
MPSCertfied.com model ratings are currently available to Print Audit Premier members through the MPS readiness report. . Membership includes virtually unlimited access to Print Audit’s solutions, discounts on installation and training, and listing on Print Audit’s website. To take advantage of the MPSCertified benefit, Premier members simply send a CSV file listing a customer’s (or potential customer’s) devices, and Print Audit will send back a report showing each device’s rating. 
At launch, the MPSCertified program boasted more than 3,500 devices in its database. OEM’s can have their model family evaluated and added to the database by paying a one-time administration fee. OEMs will also have the opportunity to take advantage of Print Audit’s MPSCertified.com annual membership, which includes a host of other benefits.
“The MPS Readiness report generated from MPSCertified.com has been a huge hit with Print Audit Premier members,” stated West McDonald, VP of Business Development at Print Audit. “We look forward to working with the OEMs to make our current list of over 3,500 rated devices available to a broader audience of office equipment dealers.” 
Those interested in MPSCertified, as well as the Premier membership can find out more by reading Print Audit’s announcement post here. For more information on several of the solutions included with Print Audit Premiere, be sure to check out our Print Audit coverage.