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Mark DiMattei

INFOGRAPHIC: Document Management Can Help Organize Your DX

Making the most with digitalization

Aug 25, 2024 8:00:00 PM


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For anyone unsure of what the term really means, “document management” is a system used to capture, track, and store electronic documents or digital images of reports. It’s designed to provide enhanced security and access control, centralize storage of many documents, as well as streamline the ability to search and retrieve them. The digitization of documents is a necessity for document management to function, and there really are few downsides to going electronic (unless you’re in an industry that legally requires paperwork).


But what does document management really do for a company? Keypoint Intelligence has presented a few key findings from our 2024 State of the Channel Survey to drive home how document management solutions can really optimize digital transformation initiatives.



Keypoint Intelligence Opinion

While digital transformation (DX) is a big part of our future, no one is suggesting that we abandon print altogether. We just need to be smart about when to use it. Multifunctional devices with scanners and printers will always be a staple of the office as they allow us to utilize whatever form (i.e., a digital copy or an analog one) is necessary. Print also provides another way for us to store files that is safe from modern dangers of ransomware and cybersecurity attacks.


That doesn’t take away from the fact that document management offers so much to companies that can utilize it to best of their ability. Being able to quickly locate, organize, and maintain a library of content gives an edge over those rifling through locked filing cabinets or searching stacks for what they need. There are many systems in place, however, so companies need to find the document management solution that best works for them.


The infographic's content was written by Lee Davis, Senior Analyst in Keypoint Intelligence’s Workplace Group.

It was designed by Mark DiMattei, Managing Editor.


Browse through our Industry Reports Page (latest reports only). Log in to the InfoCenter to view research, reports, and studies on digital transformation and the smart office through our Workplace CompleteView Advisory Service. Log in to bliQ to access reports and specs on all types of document management software solutions. If you’re not a subscriber, contact us for more info by clicking here.