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Not sure if you knew it, but September 30 is International Podcast Day. Come February, it will be 20 years since the word “podcast” was born. The medium keeps evolving and remains as powerful as ever. I’m not just saying that either, simply search “popularity of podcasts” to see the ridiculous numbers.
The Key Point Podcast is in Season 5. There have been 198 episodes to date. We’ve discussed print in the workplace (office and work from home), all areas of production print, managed IT (especially cybersecurity), smart technology, and a boatload of other topics relevant to print (impact of COVID, anyone?) as well as other industries. We have spoken with bright people at vendors, dealers, software developers, print service providers (PSPs), and more. You yourself might have even been a guest.

Truth is, we didn’t know exactly what we were getting into when we began producing episodes in 2019, but things snowballed quickly. And, in many ways, the education we gained while embracing a new (for us) communication format gave us the confidence to expand our content offerings even more—namely with videos and infographics.
Our experience has been that podcasts have quality shelf life (including on our YouTube channel and through syndication outlets such as Apple and Google). We here at Keypoint Intelligence love our written content, but the number of times that a podcast is downloaded from our site over time tends to outpace our still-strong blog analytics. Podcasts are also perhaps the easiest way to consume information these days, as you don’t have to read anything or watch a video—just listen along while working, cooking, running, or whatever.
Celebrate International Podcast Day with The Key Point Podcast!
Got an idea that you think would make for an awesome podcast? Know someone who would be a great guest? Contact us to let us know.