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Mark DiMattei

VIDEO: Modernizing Sales and Marketing Processes with Q2 and HubSpot

More education on the Keypoint Intelligence-Quantum Business Solutions collaborative platform

Feb 10, 2025 7:00:00 PM


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Q2 (the joint-venture platform created by Keypoint Intelligence and Quantum Business Solutions) brings automation front and center to help organizations overcome sales and marketing challenges. The platform earned some buzz when it was announced at the Executive Connection Summit, thanks to the potential it offers in raising the bar with team collaboration, automated pipeline tracking, and custom relationship management data enrichment. A webinar a week later provided more granular details as well as answering specific client concerns and use cases.


Keypoint’s Anthony Sci and Quantum’s Shawn Peterson sat down with the one and only Andy Slawetsky of Industry Analysts to discuss Q2 as well as its features and benefits. With HubSpot integration and artificial intelligence automation, Q2 offers an unique and easy quoting tool to best help equipment dealers improve efficiency and lead generation. The trio also go into solving pain points with Q2, sales coaching, and how to create a competitive advantage for dealers.



Watch our recent webinar to discover how Q2 can drive meaningful process and sales transformation!