What a long strange trip it’s been, but it’s almost over. And by that, I mean 2020. This year. This crazy year. Where the social and economic—and all other—ramifications of the coronavirus will be felt for a long time, regardless of a vaccine.
COVID-19 has presented countless challenges and impacted the bottom line of companies around the globe. But out of that bloomed new opportunities that have led to success stories in many industries—the print space included. These two aspects are the heart and soul of why Colin McMahon, Senior Editorial Analyst in Keypoint Intelligence’s Content & Publications Group, came up with the idea of The New Workplace Virtual Summit, a series of five webinars that tackled the changing landscape in the document imaging arena.
“It became quickly apparent in 2020 that we were looking at a historic period of acceleration,” said McMahon, who also produces The Key Point Podcast. “Conversations and debates that had been ongoing for decades—in the case of remote working—were resolved in a matter of weeks. With this in mind, I wanted to examine multiple areas where the print industry would see real change. There’s obviously a lot to talk about, but I hope the series helped scratch the surface of the opportunity to transform and reinvent ourselves for a better tomorrow.”
So without further ado (click the session titles to access the videos)…
Session 1: Maintaining and Maximizing Worker Happiness in a Remote Environment
- Structural, motivational, and psychological factors
- Recommendations on how to maximize potential
- Improve “office” culture in a remote world
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Session 2: Leveraging Automation to Push Back in Hard Times
- Where to start on the journey
- Surprising, but often overlooked, benefits
- How automation can help during difficult times
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Session 3: Achieving Greater Sustainability
- The growing importance of being eco-friendly
- How sustainability intersects with the new world of work
- Different opportunities for reducing environmental impact
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Session 4: Augmented Reality and the Potential of a New Communication Medium
- The state of the state of AR and its value
- Potential impact in the print industry
- Debunking myths around AR implementation
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Session 5: Embracing Cloud Solutions and the Remote Workforce
- Centralize workflow, decentralize staff
- Cloud platforms such as Microsoft Azure
- Home office management
More coverage
We hope you take at least a little bit of something from each session to help you be even more prepared for that next opportunity, contract, or project. Happy New Year!