Bringing together a group of passionate workflow people, Kodak hosted the European edition of the Graphic Users’ Association in Berlin from the 29th to the 31st of October. Together with their partners IC3D, Callas, and Arden Software, the event was designed to celebrate the innovations Prinergy has brought to market over two decades as well as to provide lab experience and knowledge sharing opportunities.

Todd Bigger at the Opening Gala welcoming GUA attendees.
The Gala kicked off with KODAK Chairman Jim Continenza reinforcing the message that KODAK is in the Print business, and Prinergy is an essential element of that commitment. That message came through in all of the messaging from Todd Bigger, President of the KODAK software division, and the many Kodak speakers.

Jim Continenza, Chairman of Kodak, Welcomes Attendees
The agenda covered the wide range of interests for Prinergy users, and added an introduction to the Prinergy VME with Managed Services and the Mixed Reality Experience, as well as Prinergy Cloud Services Decision Analytics. The big takeaway for any attendee had to be that Prinergy is a power ally in enabling automated workflows.

Smart Print Manufacturing is the basis of long-term efficiency.
As part of two keynotes, Keypoint Intelligence shared the results of the European Software Investment research from earlier this year, and related that research to why automation is such a powerful opportunity for the printing community. As users of Prinergy Rules Based Automation know, automating common steps saves time and money, while also eliminating the most common errors introduced by people. Focused on Smart Print Manufacturing, the two keynotes identified steps for printers to take in evaluating their workflow against the best practices in the market.
It is always good to talk to printers who are actively working to grow their businesses. As the board makes their decisions about their 2020 activities, we’ll wait with anticipation!