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Christine Dunne

INFOGRAPHIC: A Snapshot of Imaging & Print Financials Over Last Seven Years

While revenue and profit trend is downward, some OEMs are performing strongly

Jul 22, 2021 12:22:28 PM


Each year, Keypoint Intelligence puts together a deliverable showing how print manufacturers performed financially during the previous fiscal year, factors impacting that performance, and how these results fit into past years’ revenue and profit.


The latest analysis (published in June) shows the dramatic impact that the COVID-19 pandemic and associated office closures have had on the overall imaging and print industry. Resultant drops in revenue and operating profit build upon declines that are already being experienced due to market challenges.

The bright spot in all this? Some vendors have achieved strong financial results as of late—challenging the larger trends. Check out this new infographic for a taste of the report.


Print Manufacturer Financials: Key Trends


Subscribers to our various consulting services can log in to the InfoCenter to access the report this infographic is based on: 2020 Vendor Financial Review: A Look at 20 Industry Players. Not a subscriber? No problem. Just send us an email at sales@keypointintelligence.com for more info.