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With mounting interest in understanding the future of our industry and the impact of COVID-19 on print volume, Keypoint Intelligence has updated our model to reflect changes we’ve seen since the original was released. Here, we break out print volume in the office and home environments separately.
The underlying data is built up by analyzing 20 vertical industry sectors in the United States. We assume that each sector is variously impacted from job losses and working from home. We also assume that each sector will have varying rates of recovery as the economy reopens. We are currently assuming that the economy will begin to open in the late spring to early summer, with some industries taking longer. This analysis does not assume that COVID-19 will rage though the summer months or have a resurgence in the fall of 2020 and into 2021.
The chart below shows how print volumes in offices and homes are expected to change in 2020 and next year. We expect the office environment to see a drastic 30 percent decline in printing for 2020 and 2021 does not see much recovery. Some of the decline is from industry job losses, but most will stem from former office workers working at home. At the same time, some of the pages lost in the office will re-emerge in homes as workers continue to try to do their jobs at home. While some pages will be lost forever, the home environment is expected to see a 130 percent increase in printing in 2020.

The implications on dealers will be profound, and there will be a stampede among dealers to offer businesses with the tools that are needed to allow employees who work from home to be as effective as they were at the office. Time is of the essence to ensure that working habits are re-established with good printing facilities in the home environment.
Similarly, vendors who have traditionally served the home environment will see robust new opportunities to address a surging need for MFPs and software solutions that allow remote continuation of business functions with secure access to company operations.
At this time, Keypoint intelligence expects longer term structural changes in various industries where more workers will be working at home on a permanent or semi-permanent basis. This will hasten the need for people to seamlessly work regardless of environment, which will probably mean a renewed emphasis on process digitalization.
Keypoint intelligence is ready to help OEMs and resellers adjust and possibly benefit from what may appear to be a permanently changed market. Despite declining print volumes, big changes in the market are opportunities for those who act swiftly to provide solutions for radically changed needs among client organizations.
InfoCenter subscribers with access to our Communication Supplies Consulting Service, Image Scanning Trends, Office CompleteView, or Vertical Market Business Opportunities can click here for the full article. Non-subscribers can send us an email at to get their hands on this critical analysis.
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