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Colin McMahon

Personalized Video Marketing: It’s About Engagement!

Oct 2, 2018 12:22:28 PM

A mere decade ago, personalized video marketing was seen as a customer communication method with limited return on investment potential. The average consumer had a PC or laptop, but smartphones were just beginning to take off. Google had purchased YouTube only two years prior and the website was still learning how to monetize itself. Thanks to the speed of the digital revolution, much has changed in ten years. Personalized video marketing is quickly becoming an effective method of engaging new and existing customers.


In our research, InfoTrends has discovered that certain companies are already experiencing success with the personalized video format. This is because it has great potential—personalized video may be the most engaging form of marketing available to organizations that want to reach consumers with targeted deals and communications.

Don’t Underestimate the Entertainment Value!

Over 1 billion hours of content are watched daily on YouTube, representing roughly 100,000 years of video every 24 hours. This is a staggering amount of time that is reflective of YouTube’s strategy. The company shifted its focus from quantity to quality, working to refine its membership algorithm so it can continue delivering video content that its viewers are actually interested in.

At the same time, however, this social media giant isn’t the only one banking on the “quality over quantity” strategy. Numerous data collections have shown that consumers respond well to personalized advertising and marketing, with some figures suggesting that 90% of consumers find personalized content at least somewhat appealing.

Research from InfoTrends’ recently published analysis entitled “Personalized Video in Marketing” found that personalized video is extremely effective. In fact, roughly 20% of recipients will always watch and share whatever content they receive. With a little more focus on quality rather than quantity, this figure potentially surpasses 50%.

Although the world of personalized video marketing is still largely uncharted, companies of all sizes have the opportunity to increase their profit margins through apt utilization. InfoTrends is excited about the changes that personalized video marketing and advertising will bring to customer communication channels. Our industry analysts will keep a close eye on consumers’ responses to personalized video marketing, while also documenting the organizations that are best able to use this up-and-coming technology. Some marketers will still face struggles and recurring pitfalls, but personalized video holds a great deal of promise for marketers that are able to properly execute.