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Sam Keller

Talking bliQ Training with Keypoint Intelligence’s Jane Lyons & Mary Raleigh

Our dynamic duo dives into the benefits and what subscribers really need to know

Nov 16, 2023 7:00:00 PM


Learn more about bliQ!


Jane Lyons and Mary Raleigh work tirelessly in our Client Support & Training department to ensure that Keypoint Intelligence customers have nothing but a stellar experience with us. The two are always happy to answer questions about navigating our services and resolving any issues subscribers may be facing. They are the ones that work behind the scenes to connect new leads to our sales team as well as to identify what our subscribers are benefitting most from their subscriptions. A core element of their roles is to train subscribers of our bliQ database and sales enablement platform so they can more effectively navigate the platform and better understand the features bliQ has to serve their company.



Sam Keller: What exactly does a bliQ training session entail? Is the content consistent across sessions or are there different types of training sessions that clients can sign up for?


Jane Lyons & Mary Raleigh: Our trainings are designed to help subscribers get the most from their bliQ subscription. Introductory sessions get users started with using bliQ or to demonstrate new tools that have been added to the service. Advanced sessions obviously go into more detail on our reports and other tools. We also offer custom training that is tailored to the needs of individual companies, and these personalized sessions demonstrate the services that a company subscribes to and how to use the available features and functions for competitive selling.  Other variables include the length of the training or focus on specific areas within bliQ.


SK: Speaking to the customized sessions specifically, are those part of the bliQ subscription? What levels of customization are offered, and what are some examples that a client might ask for?


JL & MR: Training is part of a bliQ subscription. Sales managers know how their teams learns best, whether that means it’s best to break down training into shorter sessions or longer sessions.  We want clients to know how easily find the information they need in any competitive selling situation. We can customize the training depending on their knowledge of bliQ, the amount of time they have available, subscription modules or if they prefer training on specific tools.



SK: How do you think companies and their employees benefit from bliQ training and how does it affect their overall experience?  


JL & MR: You don’t know what you don’t know. Many times people will say, “I know how to use bliQ,” but then you show them a tool or a quick tip and they’re like, “Oh I didn’t know it could be that” or “That is quicker than how I’ve been looking up products.” These training sessions highlight tools that users do not realize are available, nor the potential benefit to them.


SK: Regarding knowledge gaps on bliQ’s capabilities, what are some significant tools and benefits you wish bliQ subscribers were more aware of?


JL & MR: The most common tools we notice subscribers were not aware of, but are always amazed to learn about, include SalesIQ, Alerts, Folders, Benefits Assessments, Brochures, as well as Help and our Glossary.


Check out our bliQ page to learn more about the platform and how it can give your business a competitive advantage. To schedule a bliQ demo with Jane or Mary, please click here.