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Keypoint Intelligence announced a partnership with UK-based FuturePrint two weeks prior to the kickoff of drupa 2024. The move, in part, was designed to further highlight the incisive thought leadership both organizations provide to customers and the industry at large. Given FuturePrint’s name as well as the fact that we publish forecasts and study near- and long-term trends, the collaboration allows the collective us to analyze where newer or emerging areas of production print are heading.
A week after drupa closed, Cofounder of FuturePrint Frazer Chesterman invited a couple of our fine folks to The FuturePrint Podcast to share their thoughts on the first in-person edition of the show in eight years. There were many partnerships announced before or during the event (including the Keypoint-FuturePrint deal, we’ll happily add), and these agreements formed the basis for the first segment of the engaging half-hour conversation.

PRINTING United is nearly upon us, so why not revisit drupa today to prepare yourself for this upcoming mammoth production print event?! With Frazer guiding them through the dialogue, our commercial print expert German Sacristan discussed other findings from drupa as well as offset vs. digital while Jean Lloyd, with her knowledge of labels & packaging, dug into innovation in that space. One thing I’m curious about, given how big the contingent of Chinese vendors was at drupa, is will it carry over to PRINTING United?
Maybe you have some questions, too. Which is always good. And away we go…
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