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The Key Point Blog

Ron Gilboa & Colin McMahon
In a series of customer engagement discovery events in Europe, US, and Asia, Kornit Digital celebrated customer success and shared its vision for direct to garment and digital textile printing.
Will Morgan
Consumers’ shifting expectations are increasing the demand for relevant and personalized communications.
Bob Leahey
Companies focused on digital printing for packaging got a reminder recently that two important suppliers, Durst Phototechnik and Koenig & Bauer, are joining forces,
Randy Dazo & Christine Dunne & Carl Schell

How Acquisitions and Organic Growth Are Bringing About the Latest Industry Transformation

We provide unbiased insights and build responsive tools that are customized for you so that you can focus less on data and more on your customers.
Ron Gilboa
Siris Capital Group, LLC, a New York City-based private equity firm founded in 2011, announced the acquisition of Electronics for Imaging, Inc. (EFI) earlier today.
Colin McMahon
Pitney Bowes continues to evolve its EngageOne portfolio for customer communications and experience.
Ryan McAbee
It’s in our nature to root for the underdog. We also love the meteoric rise when the underdog exceeds all expectations and reaches the top! Hollywood loves to dramatize these story lines and the 2011 release of Moneyball was no exception.
Randy Dazo & Christine Dunne & Carl Schell

How Acquisitions and Organic Growth Are Bringing About the Latest Industry Transformation

We provide unbiased insights and build responsive tools that are customized for you so that you can focus less on data and more on your customers.
Colin McMahon
PAX East, which was held in Boston, MA, March 28th to 31st, 2019, is one of the largest gaming technology expos in the world.
Carl Schell

When Expansion, Marketing, and Culture Collide

We provide unbiased insights and build responsive tools that are customized for you so that you can focus less on data and more on your customers.