We tested a few large machines this winter too!
We provide unbiased insights and build responsive tools that are customized for you so that you can focus less on data and more on your customers.
For a glimpse at the scanners we tested this winter, check out this Infographic!
We provide unbiased insights and build responsive tools that are customized for you so that you can focus less on data and more on your customers.
Tim DeMuth
We Had Quite a Few Copier MFPs in our Lab This Winter—Check Them Out!
We provide unbiased insights and build responsive tools that are customized for you so that you can focus less on data and more on your customers.
Tim DeMuth
Check out the Printers That Came through Our Lab!
We provide unbiased insights and build responsive tools that are customized for you so that you can focus less on data and more on your customers.
Pat McGrew
By now you have read about the highly capable printing equipment that supported the Hunkeler Innovation Days demonstrations of Hunkeler, Horizon, Meccanotecnica, Kern, Bowe, Muller Martini, GUK, Sitma and others.
Ralf Schlozer
The theme of this year’s event was “success with automation”. There is no doubt that automation is getting increasingly important as a means to reduce labour cost, counter the shortage of skilled staff, avoid production mistakes, and speed up the device setup.
Colin McMahon
On February 24, 2019, Microsoft unveiled Hololens 2, the successor to its augmented reality headset, Hololens.
Ryan McAbee
Around thirty print industry analysts and press media flocked like snow birds to Boca Raton, Florida, this week for Canon Solutions America’s (CSA) 2019 Media and Analyst days.
David Stabel
In a few week’s time, on February 25-28, Hunkeler is opening its doors again for the high-volume printing and paper processing industry at the 13th Hunkeler Innovationdays in Lucerne, Switzerland.
Deborah Hawkins
So I was quite surprised at my first visit to ISE (Integrated Systems Europe) 2019 in Amsterdam. It was full, thriving and so many people were wearing sneakers.