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The Key Point Blog

Jamie Bsales

New data indicates attacks by state-sponsored hackers have doubled in the last three years

We all know that cybercrime has been a growing issue, and research released by HP shows just how bad the situation has become. In conjunction with the results of this study, HP also released its latest, downloadable Quarterly Threat Insights Report, which highlights new techniques being used by cybercriminals to breach vulnerable endpoints such as servers, computers, MFPs/printers, and IoT devices.
John Shane & Renée Clarke

Environmentally friendly consumables continue to need a makeover

In Spring 2020, Pelikan released a line of BioBased print cartridges. This blog explores the properties of these "green" cartridges and their effect on the market.
Colin McMahon

How it can fight against the plastic industry

This blog reviews the impact of pre-conceived notions can outlive even the best campaigns, specifically for paper and plastic usage now, as sugar consumption did in the 90's.
Deborah Hawkins

Are we doing enough to restore our planet?

Today is World Earth Day and a time to show support for the environment. This blog reviews several OEM's initiatives to promote "green" products and services.
Carl Schell

Dealer challenges, a look at forecasts among talking points

Keypoint Intelligence’s Deborah Hawkins and Carl Schell were invited by print industry veteran John Alfred Hustvedt to speak with some folks from the Nordic organization Economy and IT. The discussion was multifaceted, covering dealer challenges, a look at forecasts, centralizing workflow and decentralizing employees, and much more.
Eve Padula & Eric Zimmerman

A virtual event with an in-person vibe

ISA International Sign Expo was held virtually this year from April 7th-9th, 2021. This blog explores some of the highlights of this year's show.
Colin McMahon

How to stay connected without always being in the same room

With 2021 in full swing and vaccines circulating the world, businesses must look ahead at how they will re-establish themselves as they move past COVID-19. This blog looks at the third part of our "Getting Ahead on a Budget" blog series.
George Mikolay

How new and existing features and functions support a safe return to offices

While we have covered if office print volumes will ever be restored to pre-pandemic figures, we expect it will be affected by more people moving to a hybrid workforce. This blog explores how five of the major OEMs seek to support of a safe return to the office.
Eve Padula

Consumer engagement in an increasingly complex environment

Delivering data-driven communications involves collecting information about consumers’ purchasing habits and using that information to create more relevant and engaging communications. This blog explores how to do so without endangering your connection to consumers.
Christine Dunne

MediaBids connects advertisers with publications for enhanced targeting and lead tracking

COVID-19 saw a large uptick in demand from newspapers for its regional and national performance-based advertisers as publishers strove to monetize their available space. This blog explores how MediaBids can help advertisers use enhanced targeting and lead tracking.