Ongoing Shifts Bring Challenges, Spark Debates, and Introduce More Questions
After the COVID-19 outbreak, many schools and businesses were forced to shut down. This blog explores the pros and cons of working from home.New Survey Shows 30% Lack a Dedicated Workspace
According to Keypoint Intelligence's most recent survey, having enough workspace at home has become an issue during the pandemic. This blog explores this issue and others from our Future Office Survey.Looking at the New Workplace During the COVID Pandemic and Beyond
Remote workflow is increasingly solidifying into business as usual. In this article, Keypoint Intelligence will highlight several technologies and strategies needed to adapt your business for the new remote normal.COVID-19 Moves the Market Down Over 5% in 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic is causing disruption in the global print production workflow market as supply chains are strained globally and print operations are interrupted locally. This blog details findings from our Forecast and the coronavirus' effects on them.A COVID-19 Inspired Transformation
Attempts to reopen the United States amid the COVID-19 pandemic have hit a wall. Nearly all businesses are being forced to rapidly evolve to serve customers in a contactless and remote manner.The Only Way toward Sustainability and Success
Nothing is certain in today’s environment. This blog explores how some are thriving in response to the required changes from COVID-19 and others continue to struggle.The Healthcare Industry’s Go-To “Technology” Is a Nightmare for Large-Scale Information Exchange
The COVID-19 crisis has put into sharp relief a lot of the technological shortcomings that organizations have been living with. This blog explores how fax has managed to hang on in certain industries.85 Questions Explore Remote Work Printing, Scanning, and More
This blog explores the results of Keypoint Intelligence's The US Future Office Survey: Working from Home During COVID-19 study.Market Already in Decline Despite 2016–2018 Boost
While we can’t separate the global pandemic from the current state of affairs, we can remark on the sector’s trendline prior to the crisis. This blog explores the state of the office print market before COVID-19.Will Firms Move to Personal Printers or Just Be More Careful?
As many employees begin returning to the office, a key question for our industry is: How will print behavior change? This blog explores CDC regulations and how they will affect print structures within US companies.