The Key Point Blog

Carl Schell

Guidance from Norwegian Print Advisor

The contrast in the dealer landscape in Europe versus the United States is stark. Hardly a profound statement considering the difference in countries, languages, and currencies, but it bears repeating.
Eve Padula

Smart Selling in the Midst of a Pandemic

On a global scale, sales representatives are finding it impossible to sell the way they used to—face-to-face meetings are difficult, many prospects haven’t yet returned to their offices, and businesses and consumers remain on high alert about a likely resurgence in cases as the economy starts to reopen.
Riley McNulty

An Update to the April Survey

Like the myriad of muddled economic statistics and predictions, the state of the printing industry has its share of conflicting factors. There are early signs of demand returning, but print it is well off 2019 levels. On balance, it remains a tough market. As states reopen for business, companies will need printed products to reopen safely. That said, it remains to be seen when this demand will pick up speed.
Christine Dunne

Coronavirus, Economy Driving Factors in Latest Plans

Office equipment manufacturers are preparing for a prolonged impact from COVID-19 in the way people work and print. This post will discuss several ways OEMs are reworking their strategies to address this reality, highlighting key examples.
Anne Valaitis

Planning and Preparedness

As the COVID-19 pandemic slowly recedes, organizations need to devise and implement plans to bring workers back to the office safely. Konica Minolta’s Return to Work initiative enables companies to manage employees during their return to the office environment.
Christine Dunne

Devices, Associated App, and Content Enable Home Learning

HP is launching new home printers. These new ENVY devices, which are targeted at home learning, integrate new and innovative features responding to clear trends in the market.
Eric Zimmerman

Based on Results from a Collaborative Survey with the China Sign Association

Keypoint Intelligence partnered with the CSA to conduct a survey of their registered members to discuss initial effects of COVID-19 and what economic recovery and business reopening will look like for China in the months to come.
Deborah Hawkins

Thinking Positive in Difficult Times

Keypoint Intelligence spoke to Marcus Putschli, e-dox AG’s Founder and CEO, to hear how business has adapted in the short term after COVID-19 and for the long term.
Riley McNulty

A Mosaic of Printing & Imaging Vendors

Keypoint Intelligence has reviewed a selection of quarterly earnings announcements to measure COVID-19’s impact on printing and imaging manufacturers over the first four months of 2020.
Anne Valaitis

Connected, Collaborative, Secure

On May 26, 2020, HP announced new additions to its Personal Systems line of products. These include new EliteBooks, the HP Collaboration All-in-One G6 with Zoom Rooms, and external monitors.