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The Key Point Blog

Jamie Bsales

Looking the latest cyber threats and how to combat them

Sponsored by ConnectWise, the leading vendor focused on managed IT services providers, the IT Nation Secure event focused on cybersecurity for several audiences. We discuss here the highlights of the event as well as some of the challenges facing cybersecurity professionals today.
Greg Cholmondeley

Looking back at a show exposing conflicting perspectives

Esko hosted their 2022 user conference, EskoWorld, at the Gaylord Resort & Convention Center in Grapevine, Texas. We discuss here some of the key sessions and vendors present at the show.
Mark Davis

The lucrative link between social media and print publishing

While the TikTok app is mostly used for entertainment, a recent development of "BookTok" (videos that review and discuss books) has caused a link between social media and print. We discuss in this infographic how BookTok has influenced the print market.
Johnny Shell

Is this a promising future or dark reality?

Trade shows have been a source of new business for a long time, but there are probably few traditional exhibitors in the printing industry that don’t have a love/hate relationship with them. We discuss here the efficacy of trade shows as they currently are as well as ways to improve them.
Deborah Hawkins

Why businesses should care, especially now

Document digitization is key and represents the foundation of any digital business infrastructure.
David Sweetnam

Going beyond brochures to get the facts

When digital production print first emerged, the ability to print high quality pages at a high speed over short commercially viable print runs sent shivers up the collective backs of offset manufacturers; they could suddenly see some of their lunch being slowly eaten by a new group of relatively low cost, aggressive competitors.
Lindsey Naples

Keypoint Intelligence’s newest poll on the impact of reusing materials

I’m more likely to purchase things made using recycled materials rather than ones that aren’t as environmentally friendly. Do other people feel the same?
Johnny Shell

And why brands should care?

Recently, Meta Platforms announced the launch of a digital clothing store where users can purchase designer outfits for their digital avatars. We discuss here some of the key designers making digital fashions as well as the implications this has on the market.
Carl Doty

Top insights from our webinar on the opportunities in wide format, textile, and packaging

Keypoint Intelligence recently hosted a subscriber-only webinar on the topic of sustainability across the wide format, packaging, and textile markets. We discuss here some of the key details of this webinar and further exploration into "green" initiatives for the production print industry.
Eric Zimmerman

Looking forward at the wide format print market

Wide format is a resilient industry and as public events continue to open back up in full force, it’s no wonder that these shows were so busy. We discuss here our outlook for the industry.