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The Key Point Blog

Priya Gohil

New features aim to control and expand colour possibilities

Nowadays, Adobe has a hand in the creation of most print jobs. We discuss here the recent release of Adobe PDF Print Engine 6 and its influence in print job creation.
Andrew Unsworth

Company has increased durability and comfort to conquer the industrial market

Epson has produced augmented reality smart glasses for over a decade, and has recently announced the release of the Epson Moverio BT-45C and BT-45CS devices. We discuss here the technical features as well as benefits the smart glasses can have for various industries.
Rachel Dean

How to reduce, reuse, recycle, and manage your purchasing decisions

Printing is inherently wasteful due to its reliance on paper, toner, and power sources. We discuss here how to reduce waste as well as other methods to keep the benefits of print without continuing to damage the environment.
Eve Padula

Implementing eco-friendly business strategies can yield benefits all year

Today’s buyers want complete transparency into how businesses operate, so simply being conscious of the environment or promoting your business as “eco-friendly” is not enough. We discuss here how to best utilize "green" practices throughout the year.
David Sweetnam & Priya Gohil

Production 2.0 test program for monochrome hardware is underway, too

On June 1, Keypoint Intelligence announced the worthy recipients of its Buyers Lab (BLI) Colour PRO Awards, which recognize the best performances of mid- to high-volume presses that have undergone our Production 2.0 testing. We discuss here some of the key elements of this award as well as our testing process.
David Sweetnam

A look into the newer, shinier hacker of our digital landscape

Cybersecurity is an ever-growing issue in our highly digital world, one that is becoming far more refined than the days of suspicious looking e-mail links.
Greg Cholmondeley

The promise of integrating once to connect to everything

While there are many ways of looking at the future of work, most involving integrated and automated software solutions, one problem that arises is integrating disparate software solutions (including new products come to market). We discuss here how to best overcome these challenges with Zaikio's Procurement App as an example of one such solution.
Mark DiMattei

The COVID-19 pandemic and shortages in many areas have led to rocky times

The global supply chain is in danger and we are currently experiencing a crisis in regards to the global supply chain. We discuss in this infographic the steps it took to bring us to our current situation.
Lindsey Naples

Keypoint Intelligence steps deeper into 3D print

A RAPID + TCT show Recap and Keypoint Intelligence's new web page launch for additive manufacturing.
Lee Davis

Some interesting things on the company’s technology horizon

Partners from across the region converged on the Renaissance Concourse Atlanta Airport Hotel, where Canon hosted educational sessions for its partners’ sales and technical staff.