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The Key Point Blog

Lindsey Naples

Consumerism may be changing, but the need for it remains firmly planted in our lives

Change is expected in a digital landscape—with 65% of B2B companies across all industries fully pursuing transactions online in 2022. We discuss here how to best make use of e-commerce as well as the benefits of utilizing Keypoint Intelligence's UVERCE® application.
Greg Cholmondeley

How the eye perceives color is crucial to the print industry

Recently, a team of scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory realized that the science that forms modern concepts of how humans perceive color is wrong. We discuss here the basis of color theory as well as some solutions as to what we should do now that we know.
Kris Alvarez

Mixing things up, one biodegradable straw at a time

Keypoint Intelligence's US lab has been examining and testing a variety of competitive biodegradable straws using a slew of equipment from saltwater fish tanks to time-lapse imaging and monitoring software to drop-in thermometers and bio pellets.
Carl Schell

Impact Networking’s educational event on managed IT services and how work gets done today

Impact Networking and IT have gone hand in hand for a while now, through a labor-intensive break/fix phase to its current, more efficient managed model. The show aims to address how best to fill the gap between business and technology as well as how to educate existing Impact Networking customers and its potential clients on the benefits, trends, and the future of IT. “Innovate to Evolve” is an apropos tagline.
Johnny Shell

The gap is closing between commercial and industrial segments

Some of the new direct-to-garment (DTG) printer launches this year have been closing the gap between commercial and industrial printers. We discuss here a few of these new entrants and their effect on the DTG market.
Jean Lloyd

Using Hirt & Carter’s SmartPack solution for interactivity

Smart packaging describes the packaging of products that enhance the interaction with the consumer. We discuss here some of the benefits of using smart packaging as well as how solutions like Hirt & Carter's SmartPack can enhance the consumer experience.
Lindsey Naples

And why you should take a break in general

A reminder to take regular breaks from work, not only to recharge but to avoid the potential health risks of burnout!
Mark DiMattei

Introducing new parental security measures to protect teens online

Social media may feel like it's been a part of our lives for forever, but we are still working out how everyone can use it safely. We discuss here how certain social media apps are enacting safety controls for teens as well as the dangers that younger users can face.
Randy Dazo

Director of Commercial Sales & Marketing talks about Epson’s approach to technology and marketing

Earlier this year, Joe Contreras was appointed Director of Commercial Sales & Marketing for Epson America’s line of business inkjet printers. Randy Dazo sits down with him to discuss Epson's A3 inkjet technologies as well as how the company managed during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mark Davis

Keypoint Intelligence playing its part regarding how we store historical data

Helping to maintain the fundamental nature of historic and cultural media across the US, the Federal Agencies Digital Guidelines Initiative (FADGI) compliance will determine the way we store, maintain, and interact with media. We discuss here some of the key aspects of FADGI standards as well as how Keypoint Intelligence can help you with media compliance.